"It's about the journey, not the destination" - here are the examples

You know how it is. Maybe you feel down on yourself because you haven't got that job yet. Those blog views. The right person to spend your life with. Enough friends to gather on special occasions. You've tried it all, and you keep on trying - but it just doesn't ever seem to amount to enough. We've all been there.

Another way of looking at it dawned on me. Whilst you can't change the fact that right now there are things you haven't (yet) done, you can change whether you let those things take away from what you have..

Don't let the blog readers you don't have make you forget the real readers you have connected with.

Don't let not having a certain job title make you discount all the times you've built a genuine relationship with someone at work.

Don't let the vacuum of non-existent friends or partners distract you from the precious deep ones that do.

Don't let a bank savings target blind you to the experiences you've funded.

Don't let a list of books you haven't read detract from the pleasure of learning and escaping, if only for one page.

Don't let the pursuit of any goal make you blind to every step you keep taking to get there, day in, day out.

Don't let the decisions you find hard to make mean you forget: you've got options. Freedom is choice, and life is today, not tomorrow.
